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Full Download MOd 23:33 YAATA SMS Donated v1208 and Torrent Link
: YAATA is powerful SMS/MMS app. Its fast, easy to use and fully configurable.Feature list:
* fully configurable notifications (popup, led color, vibration pattern, icon color...)
* individual notifications
* you may enable separate notification for unknown sender or non-numeric addresses (e.g. from bank, carrier etc)
* grouping threads by date
* quick compose shortcut in statusbar (you may also enable shortcuts for three favorites contacts)
* send delay option
* converting long messages to mms or sending all texts as a mms
* delivery report (also MMS) including saving delivery time.
* templates
* black list
* autoforward
* autoresponder
BUILD 1208:
● ADDED: send button in floating window
● ADDED: configurable long tap on send button
BUILD 1131:
● FIXED: Chatheads: keyboard in landscape mode
● FIXED: Chatheads: auto exapnd
● ADDED: Chatheads:Collapse after sent option in settings
● ADDED: Chatheads: docked chathead size option in settings
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More Info YAATA SMS Donated v1208
You can directly download the apk file with torent modded or just in AppsModdedApk
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User Review: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
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